Geoengineering SF Witness Patrick Roddie @EPA Hearing 8-11-2015
EPA Hearing on Commercial Aircraft Emissions The Environmental Protection Agency held a public hearing its Washington, D.C., headquarters to hear from environmental groups, aircraft industry representatives, private citizens and others on their reactions to the agency’s newly-released carbon emissions standards for commercial aircraft. August 11, 2015 at 10:00 AM Full hearing: Testimony Jim Lee: Michael Saraceno: Amanda Williams: Patrick Roddie: Max Bliss: ************ ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION ***** Submit Comments DEADLINE AUGUST 31, 2015 Although public support or opposition may help guide important public policies, agencies make determinations for a proposed action based on sound reasoning and scientific evidence rather than a majority of votes. A single, well-supported comment may carry more weight than a thousand form letters. REFERENCE NUMBER: EPA-HQ-OAR-2014-0828; FRL_9924-06-OAR Include the reference “Docket ID No. EPA-HQOAR-2014-0828″ and submit by one of the following methods: Internet: E-mail: Mail: Environmental Protection Agency Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center (6102T) 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20460 Hand Delivery: EPA West building EPA Docket Center (Room 3340) 1301 Constitution Avenue NW Washington, DC submit-your-comment-EPA UPDATES TO FINALE HEARING on 8-11-2015 For more information on chemtrails: THE TRUTH DENIED is a collection from The Truth Denied Team of Investigations, researchers and Radio Show Hosts with subject matters such as Conspiracy in Government, Chemtrails, Aerosol Spraying, GMO, Morgellons Gang Stalking, Alien Implants, Disease, Health and Healing, NWO Agendas, Nano Technology,alternative media,Weaponizing Space, Transhumanism, Alien Bases and Technology, Healing,Nutrition & Health, Spirituality, Outer Space,UFO sightings,HAARP,Morgellons Disease, Disease, Iluminatti, secret societies, Matrix,Government,Mythology, archeology ,Ancient Aliens, Astrology,Agenda 21 Topics, Smart Meters and Conspiracy Theories that are really Facts for the public. We are a volunteer organization. Our website is E-mail: Mail: Environmental Protection Agency Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center (6102T) 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20460 Hand Delivery: EPA West building EPA Docket Center (Room 3340) 1301 Constitution Avenue NW Washington, DC submit-your-comment-EPA UPDATES TO FINALE HEARING on 8-11-2015 For more information on chemtrails: THE TRUTH DENIED is a collection from The Truth Denied Team of Investigations, researchers and Radio Show Hosts with subject matters such as Conspiracy in Government, Chemtrails, Aerosol Spraying, GMO, Morgellons Gang Stalking, Alien Implants, Disease, Health and Healing, NWO Agendas, Nano Technology,alternative media,Weaponizing Space, Transhumanism, Alien Bases and Technology, Healing,Nutrition & Health, Spirituality, Outer Space,UFO sightings,HAARP,Morgellons Disease, Disease, Iluminatti, secret societies, Matrix,Government,Mythology, archeology ,Ancient Aliens, Astrology,Agenda 21 Topics, Smart Meters and Conspiracy Theories that are really Facts for the public. We are a volunteer organization. Our website is
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