Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Learn to Podcast

Learn to Podcast 

Fast, Easy and FREE! Join over 14900 students using Power Podcasting to position themselves as THE Expert, build relationships, grow their influence, increase sales, and change the world.

What is a Podcast? It is audio or video shows, that when you subscribe to them, are automatically updated on your Computer, Smartphones, iPads, Tablets, and/or iPods. Think of them as radio or TV shows which you deliver Spam-Free! directly to your audience every time you produce one.

Podcasting is bigger than you think. When we survey people who listen to audio Podcasts at least once a month: we discover a Power Podcasters fact: Podcasts beat AM/FM Radio, streaming audio, CD’s, TV Music channels, & Sirius!

“Power Podcasting Rocks!”
“Scott is friendly and easy to follow. He clearly knows Podcasting. All the tools are here, and laid out in easy way. I think it is a great course! I was shocked at how popular Podcasting is. Great marketing tool that I overlooked. Great education.” ~ Dan Kobelt

Enroll today!

Podcast Course

Learn how to Podcast:

Learn to Podcast

Learn to Podcast 

Fast, Easy and FREE! Join over 14900 students using Power Podcasting to position themselves as THE Expert, build relationships, grow their influence, increase sales, and change the world.

What is a Podcast? It is audio or video shows, that when you subscribe to them, are automatically updated on your Computer, Smartphones, iPads, Tablets, and/or iPods. Think of them as radio or TV shows which you deliver Spam-Free! directly to your audience every time you produce one.

Podcasting is bigger than you think. When we survey people who listen to audio Podcasts at least once a month: we discover a Power Podcasters fact: Podcasts beat AM/FM Radio, streaming audio, CD’s, TV Music channels, & Sirius!

“Power Podcasting Rocks!”
“Scott is friendly and easy to follow. He clearly knows Podcasting. All the tools are here, and laid out in easy way. I think it is a great course! I was shocked at how popular Podcasting is. Great marketing tool that I overlooked. Great education.” ~ Dan Kobelt

Enroll today!

Podcast Course

10 Steps To Grow Your Business with Directories

Patrick Smith with Blue Pyramid Consultants is teaching you how to increase your customer base, increase your profit and how to stop loosing customers to your competition.

Using the power of Online Directories you can maximizes your presence on Google and other search engines. By following the 10 steps here you can have citations that are accurate.

For a free report go to: http://ift.tt/2xDBOrX

Learn how to Podcast:

10 Steps To Grow Your Business with Directories

Patrick Smith with Blue Pyramid Consultants is teaching you how to increase your customer base, increase your profit and how to stop loosing customers to your competition.

Using the power of Online Directories you can maximizes your presence on Google and other search engines. By following the 10 steps here you can have citations that are accurate.

For a free report go to: http://www.4instantreputationreport.com/

Abu Dhabi/Dubai trip: mini travel guide

This is the story, er guide, of 2 college friends from Houston, TX that decided to take a 5-day trip to Abu Dhabi and Dubai together. Read on for details of how we found inexpensive flight tickets, things to do, and helpful tips of how to get around.

First off.

Overall, Dubai is a very safe city. So many expats and travelers from all over come to Dubai for work and play alike. Language was never an issue for us; the majority of folks you’ll encounter will speak both Arabic and English.  The city offers a varied cuisine, most especially in the area of Old Dubai. In the more contemporary areas they have an overwhelming amount of popular American joints that you already have at home, but there are also lots and lots of middle eastern food spots to try too.

For more, please visit the link for DiyRaven.


Learn how to Podcast:

Abu Dhabi/Dubai trip: mini travel guide

This is the story, er guide, of 2 college friends from Houston, TX that decided to take a 5-day trip to Abu Dhabi and Dubai together. Read on for details of how we found inexpensive flight tickets, things to do, and helpful tips of how to get around.

First off.

Overall, Dubai is a very safe city. So many expats and travelers from all over come to Dubai for work and play alike. Language was never an issue for us; the majority of folks you’ll encounter will speak both Arabic and English.  The city offers a varied cuisine, most especially in the area of Old Dubai. In the more contemporary areas they have an overwhelming amount of popular American joints that you already have at home, but there are also lots and lots of middle eastern food spots to try too.

For more, please visit the link for DiyRaven.


Monday, October 23, 2017

Discover the best ways to quickly and quickly pounds and inches with the Modere M3 pledge

Over 40, and need to slim down? Take the modere M3 Pledge. Countless outcomes all prepared in! Baby boomers and losing pounds and inches rapidly and quickly!

M3 is our first weight loss system established around the Mediterranean way of life. Research study suggests people who follow a Mediterranean diet lose 52% more weight than the standard low-fat diet due to the fact that it isn’t simply a fad or restricted list of foods. 4 out of 5 users advise M3 because it’s a way of life based upon a balanced method to making simple modifications that matter the a lot of. 1 M3 is weight loss. Cash back ensured. **.

Commit to reducing weight for 3 months with 3 items and 3 way of life changes to live tidy.

Learn how to Podcast:

The Benefits of Whole Body Vibration Machines

Whole Body Vibration Machines or Power Plates


The Benefits of Whole Body Vibration Machines

Whole Body Vibration Machines or Power Plates – Many people would like the benefits of running, but do not like actually like lacing up and going out for run or jog.  What if you were able to get the benefits of an hour long run in 10 minutes?  With the growing passive exercise movement and the invention of the Whole Body Vibration Machine this is possible.

How does the whole-body vibration machine work?

  • People stand on the whole-body vibration machine with their knees bent around 30-degrees while the surface that they are standing on vibrates up to 30 times per second.
  • The unstable surface makes your body send signals to the brain that tells it is falling.
  • In response to the falling stimulus the brain sends out the stress reflex, which is an extremely rapid muscle contraction. These rapid muscle contractions are responsible for the benefits received from this type of exercise machine.

Who can benefit from using the whole-body vibration machine?

  • The working professional or the busy parent
    • Those people who do not have a lot of time on their hands can benefit the most from this type of machine. The Whole-body vibration machines are said to reduce the stress hormone called cortisol and elevate the human growth hormone.  Just the change in these two different hormones will increase your ability to recover from injuries.
    • According to most manufactures, the whole-body vibration machine also decreases cellulite while simultaneously stimulating the growth of collagen for smoother looking skin.
    • The other benefits include increased bone mineral density as well as a boost in metabolism.
  • Those suffering from health restrictions
    • People who are suffering from mobility restrictions such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis and even Parkinson’s disease can benefit from using a whole-body vibration machine.
    • The whole-body vibration machine’s benefits that are specific to these people include increases in muscle strength, enhanced range of motion to include general flexibility, and strengthening of core muscles around the stomach area.
  • The elderly
    • A study completed by the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research in 2004 found that those who used the whole-body vibration machine for 30 minutes three times a week increased their overall bone density in their hips. Which is extremely beneficial for the elderly suffering from weak hips.
    • Another proven benefit for the elderly is the increase in circulation and muscle stimulation. Which would increase their overall speed of movement and longevity.
  • Athletes
    • Finally, athletes can benefit from the whole-body vibration machine because it helps reduce recovery time between training sessions.

Vibration Exercise Platform

Learn how to Podcast:

Kuvittaja | Graafinen suunnittelu | Karikatyyrit


Piirros kuvitus on nykyään huomioarvoltaan huikeasti tehokkaampi kuin valokuva. Piirretty tapahtuma-maskotti tai -tunnus jää myös paremmin mieleen ja kuvitus voi jo yhdellä vilkaisulla kertoa mikä tapahtuma tai palvelu on kyseessä. Piirros toimii hyvin niin lehtijuttujenesitteiden kuin mobiilipelien tai tietokonepelien kuvituksenaTilaustyönä tehty kuvitus tekee graafisesta ilmeestä yksilöllisen, jota ei voi niin helposti jäljitellä eikä se varsinkaan sotkeudu muihin.

Tilaustyönä tehty kuvitus on vaihtoehto silloin, kun et halua käyttää valmiita kuvapankkien bulkkikuvia. Ne ovat edullisia, mutta riski törmätä samaan kuvitukseen toisessa yhteydessä on aika suuri. Ja murphyn lain mukaisesti se sama kuva on varmasti juuri samalla hetkellä kilpailijan käytössä. Omaan käyttöön tilattuun piirrettyyn kuvitukseen saat myös personoitua yrityksen tai tapahtuman yksityiskohtia, jolloin sekoittumisen vaara on entistäkin pienempi.

Graafinen suunnittelu

Graafinen suunnittelu sekä logojen ja tunnusten suunnittelu ovat merkittävänä osana palveluani. Tunnukseen voidaan käyttää piirroskuvaa, mutta se ei tietenkään ole mikään ehdottomuus, myös muunlaiset symbolit onnistuvat. Yritysten logoissa kannattaa pitäytyä symboliikassa ja yksikertaisissa elementeissä, mutta varsinkin tapahtumien tunnukset jäävät selvästi paremmin ihmisten mielee, jos niissä käytetään piirroskuvaa. Piirros kuvituksen tyylillä voi myös ottaa kantaa itse tapahtuman luonteeseen.

Tarvitsetko kuvitusta mainokseen, pelin grafiikkaan, nettisivuille tai vaikkapa vaalikampanjaan? Vai haluaisitko uuden logon tai erottuvat nettisivut yrityksellesi? Käy katsomassa työnäytteitä kotisivuiltani:

Learn how to Podcast:

NZED GuestRoom | Your Preferred Cheap BUT Safe & Comfortable Hotel Style Budget Room in Lumut, Perak (Malaysia)

Enjoy PLEASANT stay for your preferred HOTEL style BUDGET room that is CHEAP but SAFE & COMFORTABLE with GREAT Value for your money at one of the TOP locations in Lumut, Perak (Malaysia)

Cheap Safe Comfortable Hotel Style Budget Room in Lumut Perak Malaysia

Learn how to Podcast:

Find out how to quickly and quickly pounds and inches with the Modere M3 pledge

Over 40, and have to lose weight? Take the modere M3 Pledge. Thousands of results all prepared in! Baby boomers and losing pounds and inches quickly and quickly!

M3 is our very first weight loss system developed around the Mediterranean way of life. Research study suggests individuals who follow a Mediterranean diet lose 52% more weight than the standard low-fat diet plan because it isn't really simply a fad or minimal list of foods. 4 from 5 users recommend M3 due to the fact that it's a way of life based upon a well balanced method to making basic modifications that matter the many. 1 M3 is weight reduction. Cash back ensured. **.

Commit to losing weight for 3 months with 3 items and 3 way of life modifications to live clean.

The Benefits of Whole Body Vibration Machines

Whole Body Vibration Machines or Power Plates


The Benefits of Whole Body Vibration Machines

Whole Body Vibration Machines or Power Plates – Many people would like the benefits of running, but do not like actually like lacing up and going out for run or jog.  What if you were able to get the benefits of an hour long run in 10 minutes?  With the growing passive exercise movement and the invention of the Whole Body Vibration Machine this is possible.

How does the whole-body vibration machine work?

  • People stand on the whole-body vibration machine with their knees bent around 30-degrees while the surface that they are standing on vibrates up to 30 times per second.
  • The unstable surface makes your body send signals to the brain that tells it is falling.
  • In response to the falling stimulus the brain sends out the stress reflex, which is an extremely rapid muscle contraction. These rapid muscle contractions are responsible for the benefits received from this type of exercise machine.

Who can benefit from using the whole-body vibration machine?

  • The working professional or the busy parent
    • Those people who do not have a lot of time on their hands can benefit the most from this type of machine. The Whole-body vibration machines are said to reduce the stress hormone called cortisol and elevate the human growth hormone.  Just the change in these two different hormones will increase your ability to recover from injuries.
    • According to most manufactures, the whole-body vibration machine also decreases cellulite while simultaneously stimulating the growth of collagen for smoother looking skin.
    • The other benefits include increased bone mineral density as well as a boost in metabolism.
  • Those suffering from health restrictions
    • People who are suffering from mobility restrictions such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis and even Parkinson’s disease can benefit from using a whole-body vibration machine.
    • The whole-body vibration machine’s benefits that are specific to these people include increases in muscle strength, enhanced range of motion to include general flexibility, and strengthening of core muscles around the stomach area.
  • The elderly
    • A study completed by the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research in 2004 found that those who used the whole-body vibration machine for 30 minutes three times a week increased their overall bone density in their hips. Which is extremely beneficial for the elderly suffering from weak hips.
    • Another proven benefit for the elderly is the increase in circulation and muscle stimulation. Which would increase their overall speed of movement and longevity.
  • Athletes
    • Finally, athletes can benefit from the whole-body vibration machine because it helps reduce recovery time between training sessions.

Vibration Exercise Platform

Kuvitukset | Graafinen suunnittelu | Karikatyyripiirtäjä


Piirros kuvitus on nykyään huomioarvoltaan huikeasti tehokkaampi kuin valokuva. Piirretty tapahtuma-logo tai -tunnus jää myös paremmin mieleen ja kuvitus voi jo yhdellä vilkaisulla kertoa mikä tapahtuma tai palvelu on kyseessä. Piirros toimii hyvin niin lehtijuttujenesitteiden kuin mobiilipelien tai tietokonepelien kuvituksenaTilaustyönä tehty kuvitus tekee graafisesta ilmeestä yksilöllisen, jota ei voi niin helposti jäljitellä eikä se varsinkaan sotkeudu muihin.

Tilaustyönä tehty kuvitus on vaihtoehto silloin, kun et halua käyttää valmiita kuvapankkien bulkkikuvia. Ne ovat edullisia, mutta riski törmätä samaan kuvitukseen toisessa yhteydessä on melkoinen. Ja murphyn lain mukaisesti se sama kuva on varmasti juuri samalla hetkellä kilpailijan käytössä. Omaan käyttöön tilattuun piirrettyyn kuvitukseen saat myös personoitua yrityksen tai tapahtuman yksityiskohtia, jolloin sekoittumisen vaara on entistäkin pienempi.

Graafinen suunnittelu

Graafinen suunnittelu sekä logojen ja tunnusten suunnittelu ovat merkittävänä osana palveluani. Tunnukseen voidaan käyttää piirroskuvaa, mutta se ei tietenkään ole mikään ehdottomuus, myös muunlaiset symbolit onnistuvat. Yritysten logoissa kannattaa pitäytyä symboliikassa ja yksikertaisissa elementeissä, mutta varsinkin tapahtumien tunnukset jäävät selvästi paremmin ihmisten mielee, jos niissä käytetään piirroskuvaa. Piirros kuvituksen tyylillä voi myös ottaa kantaa itse tapahtuman luonteeseen.

Tarvitsetko kuvitusta mainokseen, pelin grafiikkaan, nettisivuille tai vaikkapa vaalikampanjaan? Vai haluaisitko uuden logon tai raikkaat nettisivut yrityksellesi? Käy katsomassa työnäytteitä kotisivuiltani:

NZED GuestRoom | Your Preferred Cheap BUT Safe & Comfortable Hotel Style Budget Room in Lumut, Perak (Malaysia)

Enjoy PLEASANT stay for your preferred HOTEL style BUDGET room that is CHEAP but SAFE & COMFORTABLE with GREAT Value for your money at one of the TOP locations in Lumut, Perak (Malaysia)

Cheap Safe Comfortable Hotel Style Budget Room in Lumut Perak Malaysia

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Best European Cities? My Favorites Cities in Europe SO FAR!!! 🛬🛫

Best European Cities? My Favorites Cities in Europe SO FAR!!! 🛬🛫
Wrapping up my most recent visit to Asia. And getting EXCITED for Europe. This time i’ll be checking off 3 new countries. But I wanted to take a second to go over my favorite cities in Europe. And of course, this list constantly changes so take it with a grain of salt. http://ift.tt/2xLpvis SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://bit.ly/29StLvQ Get $35 Travel Credit on Airbnb with my code or $75 when you host: http://ift.tt/2gy3tHl Follow Me on INSTAGRAM: @MinorityNomad http://ift.tt/2hqPwYZ My Website: http://ift.tt/QknBdD My Travel Photography: http://ift.tt/2hqOdcw MY EMAIL: theminoritynomad@gmail.com
Dicover how to Podcast: http://ift.tt/1VKbsMX

Learn how to Podcast: