Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Everything is a Story. Quantum scientists suggest that nothing is solid. Some particles can be in two places at the same time. Time is an illusion and their is no past, despite what you remember. And what you remember is probably wrong. You perceive your Story your way It is different from everyone else's Story. Who then rules the World? The best storytellers? If it is a story, can it be a Lie? When a billion people believe and reinforce a Story, what happens to those who decide they prefer a different Story? What happens when we decide the NIghtly News is just a bunch of stories and not the gospel truth?

Everything is a Story. Quantum scientists suggest that nothing is solid. Some particles can be in two places at the same time. Time is an illusion and their is no past, despite what you remember. And what you remember is probably wrong. You perceive your Story your way It is different from everyone else's Story. Who then rules the World? The best storytellers? If it is a story, can it be a Lie? When a billion people believe and reinforce a Story, what happens to those who decide they prefer a different Story? What happens when we decide the NIghtly News is just a bunch of stories and not the gospel truth?
by Scott Paton

February 21, 2018 at 08:56AM
from Facebook

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