Saturday, February 10, 2018

When someone posts a great question, normally I give an answer. What I am noticing now is one of two things: 1) people see a good question and ask it on their timeline Or 2) a guru somewhere is thinking up questions that s/he thinks will boost engagement, emailing the question out to their list and everyone on their list posts the question. Neither is a good long term strategy. There are no secrets. If you are lazy, which both actions above are, so shall you be known. Who wants to work with the “Lazy Guru”? I unfollow people who’s posts are ripped off other people’s posts. So you’re losing me. I used to like the posts of this guy. Then he posted my post as his. Now every post of his I see I think, “I know he didn’t write that...” Sharing posts is what’s FB is all about. Stealing someone’s words and pretending they’re yours isn’t. And finally, if you think you’ve done something none of my other friends ever have, that’s nice. But this isn’t the post to comment about it... 😊

When someone posts a great question, normally I give an answer. What I am noticing now is one of two things: 1) people see a good question and ask it on their timeline Or 2) a guru somewhere is thinking up questions that s/he thinks will boost engagement, emailing the question out to their list and everyone on their list posts the question. Neither is a good long term strategy. There are no secrets. If you are lazy, which both actions above are, so shall you be known. Who wants to work with the “Lazy Guru”? I unfollow people who’s posts are ripped off other people’s posts. So you’re losing me. I used to like the posts of this guy. Then he posted my post as his. Now every post of his I see I think, “I know he didn’t write that...” Sharing posts is what’s FB is all about. Stealing someone’s words and pretending they’re yours isn’t. And finally, if you think you’ve done something none of my other friends ever have, that’s nice. But this isn’t the post to comment about it... 😊
by Scott Paton

February 10, 2018 at 04:42PM
from Facebook

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