Monday, December 18, 2017

I am seeing so many people post the same Sh!t about FB's algorithm, and wanting people to see their posts. Well, if you Like, Comment and Share OTHER people's posts, it is possible that the Law of Reciprocation may kick in. And those people might do the same. But publishing sad posts begging for Likes, etc., only gets you unfollowed... The three little dots on the top right corner is where you find the quick link to Unfollow, and NEVER see someone's posts again, unless you visit their profile page. I have unfollowed like 8 people in the past week, and the funniest thing is the only posts of theirs that I have seen in the past five months was the one about FB's algorithm. So maybe all you have to do is put "Facebook" in your post for everyone to read it...

I am seeing so many people post the same Sh!t about FB's algorithm, and wanting people to see their posts. Well, if you Like, Comment and Share OTHER people's posts, it is possible that the Law of Reciprocation may kick in. And those people might do the same. But publishing sad posts begging for Likes, etc., only gets you unfollowed... The three little dots on the top right corner is where you find the quick link to Unfollow, and NEVER see someone's posts again, unless you visit their profile page. I have unfollowed like 8 people in the past week, and the funniest thing is the only posts of theirs that I have seen in the past five months was the one about FB's algorithm. So maybe all you have to do is put "Facebook" in your post for everyone to read it...
by Scott Paton

December 18, 2017 at 10:22AM
from Facebook

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