Monday, January 22, 2018

Paton’s Profitable Video Plan: If I had a easy to understand, simple strategic plan for video producers that would get you maximum exposure, payment for views of your videos, for minimal effort, lightning fast, while positioning you for the exponential growth still to come in the dynamic video content space, would you be interested? If I could add to it an easy to implement marketing strategy that Google adores, using three paid PC/Mac friendly tools, that over a three month period could take a brand new video from obscurity to page one on YouTube and Google, would you be interested? PS the paid tools cost $159 a month, $59 a month, and the third is not released yet. Prices may vary and one tool may be taken off the market, it’s so powerful. So this is not a bunch of free tools that don’t work. And yes, you could do it all manually, but you’d get less than one percent of the productivity of the tools. If I get thirty people willing to spend the monthly tools fees (minimum three months), give me testimonials (in video), show up live or watch a replay once a week for three months, put up with me, share their results, then I will hold weekly one hour Masterminds showing you how, answering your questions. The goals of the Mastermind: 1) relatively passive monthly income 2) ability to turn educational and entertaining videos into profit centers 3) ability to rank lead generating videos at will on google and YouTube This could be for you if you are willing to put aside two to four hours a week. I am going to be setting up a plan, which we will all work on together. You on your video and me on mine. Hopefully you see the potential and want to work on more than just the one video and end up logging many hours. Massive action brings massive results. This is not for you if you do not know how to make a video, if you can’t upload one to YouTube or Facebook, if you are closed minded, if you aren’t willing to spend an hour learning, then the next hour doing. If you prefer arguing with me rather than doing the work and seeing for yourself the results. The only costs are the tools, which I might make affiliate commissions from. You get my time free, so don’t abuse it. At the end I will have a course to sell, proof of concept and my own videos ranking or earning. The main reason I am doing it is to force myself to actually do the work, too. I work better in a group. The first thirty to respond are in. Leave a comment. Those that don’t make it will get free access to the course when it’s done. Or I’ll do a second Mastermind. I picked 30, because sadly only 5 out of thirty will do the work (please prove me wrong), but I only need five success stories. I reserve the right to change my mind on this... 😊

Paton’s Profitable Video Plan: If I had a easy to understand, simple strategic plan for video producers that would get you maximum exposure, payment for views of your videos, for minimal effort, lightning fast, while positioning you for the exponential growth still to come in the dynamic video content space, would you be interested? If I could add to it an easy to implement marketing strategy that Google adores, using three paid PC/Mac friendly tools, that over a three month period could take a brand new video from obscurity to page one on YouTube and Google, would you be interested? PS the paid tools cost $159 a month, $59 a month, and the third is not released yet. Prices may vary and one tool may be taken off the market, it’s so powerful. So this is not a bunch of free tools that don’t work. And yes, you could do it all manually, but you’d get less than one percent of the productivity of the tools. If I get thirty people willing to spend the monthly tools fees (minimum three months), give me testimonials (in video), show up live or watch a replay once a week for three months, put up with me, share their results, then I will hold weekly one hour Masterminds showing you how, answering your questions. The goals of the Mastermind: 1) relatively passive monthly income 2) ability to turn educational and entertaining videos into profit centers 3) ability to rank lead generating videos at will on google and YouTube This could be for you if you are willing to put aside two to four hours a week. I am going to be setting up a plan, which we will all work on together. You on your video and me on mine. Hopefully you see the potential and want to work on more than just the one video and end up logging many hours. Massive action brings massive results. This is not for you if you do not know how to make a video, if you can’t upload one to YouTube or Facebook, if you are closed minded, if you aren’t willing to spend an hour learning, then the next hour doing. If you prefer arguing with me rather than doing the work and seeing for yourself the results. The only costs are the tools, which I might make affiliate commissions from. You get my time free, so don’t abuse it. At the end I will have a course to sell, proof of concept and my own videos ranking or earning. The main reason I am doing it is to force myself to actually do the work, too. I work better in a group. The first thirty to respond are in. Leave a comment. Those that don’t make it will get free access to the course when it’s done. Or I’ll do a second Mastermind. I picked 30, because sadly only 5 out of thirty will do the work (please prove me wrong), but I only need five success stories. I reserve the right to change my mind on this... 😊
by Scott Paton

January 22, 2018 at 03:32AM
from Facebook

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