Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Scott's Soliloquy Work backwards from the result you want. Achieving it can happen in about a thousand different ways today. The problem is 800 of those ways are probably really great ways to do it. But the trap is trying to do all 800 ways, or even 5 of them. The weird thing about today's world is that if you focus very tightly on one process and get to expert level in it, you will never have time, nor the need, to do any other ways. I want to travel and I use a specific site to make it happen. There is another site that I keep going to thinking I could use it to supplement or augment my travels. But the truth is my first site is so successful at helping me achieve my travel goals that I can't even fit the second site into my schedule for the next 5 month. I feel it is similar if you are looking to promote your web site or video, if you are looking for True Love, if you are wanting to start a business, cook a fancy dinner, lose weight.... Find some ways and test them out but when you find the way that works hang on to it. Take fitness. If you are achieving your goals pumping iron, like my buddy, Romi, then go for it. If you get fit from Ballroom dancing three nights a week, stick with it. Too many people bounce from thing to thing to thing and get nowhere. Yes, you have to go thru a discovery phase, but once that is done, stick to what works (for you).

Scott's Soliloquy Work backwards from the result you want. Achieving it can happen in about a thousand different ways today. The problem is 800 of those ways are probably really great ways to do it. But the trap is trying to do all 800 ways, or even 5 of them. The weird thing about today's world is that if you focus very tightly on one process and get to expert level in it, you will never have time, nor the need, to do any other ways. I want to travel and I use a specific site to make it happen. There is another site that I keep going to thinking I could use it to supplement or augment my travels. But the truth is my first site is so successful at helping me achieve my travel goals that I can't even fit the second site into my schedule for the next 5 month. I feel it is similar if you are looking to promote your web site or video, if you are looking for True Love, if you are wanting to start a business, cook a fancy dinner, lose weight.... Find some ways and test them out but when you find the way that works hang on to it. Take fitness. If you are achieving your goals pumping iron, like my buddy, Romi, then go for it. If you get fit from Ballroom dancing three nights a week, stick with it. Too many people bounce from thing to thing to thing and get nowhere. Yes, you have to go thru a discovery phase, but once that is done, stick to what works (for you).
by Scott Paton

January 24, 2018 at 11:36AM
from Facebook

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